Thermoelectric modules, or Seebeck, Peltier modules, are small solid-state devices that function as coolers or power generators. A “typical” unit is a few millimeters thick by a few millimeters to a few centimeters square. It is a sandwich formed by two ceramic plates with an array of p-type and n-type semiconductor materials ( commonly bismuth telluride alloys) in between. As solid-state energy converters, TE modules (TEMs) have several advantages over competing technologies. These advantages include high-reliability potential, noise-free operation, vibration-free operation, scalability, orientation independence, and compactness (high energy density). Based on these advantages, TEMs have come to dominate certain applications, such as temperature stabilization, Heat pumps, heating & cooling, large Delta T, and power generation.
Our thermoelectric module FEATURES:
- Effective anti-copper element diffuse tech prolongs thermoelectric modules’ lifespan from normal 200,000 hours to 300,000 hours, and endure frequent forward/reverse pulse strikes.
- Nickel and Stannum electroplating and patented soldering techniques enable our thermoelectric modules to work in normal, medium, and high-temperature ranges, solid performing with max.139, 183, 235, 320, and 500 Celsius degrees.
- The vacuum anti-humidity process guards thermoelectric module components against water and moisture penetration, allowing applications in rigorous conditions.
- All our thermoelectric modules are RoHS compliant.
Thermoelectrics product category
Thermoelectric modules
- TEG-Thermoelectric power generators
- TEC-Standard peltier modules
- TES-Mini thermoelectric modules
- TEM-Micro thermoelectric modules
- TEA-Aluminum Substrate
- TEC-Multiple Stages
- TEC-Customized
- TE Materials
Thermal Management Assemblies
- Air to air
- Air to Liquid
- Liquid to Liquid
- Plate to plate
TE Accessories
- Power supply
- Temperature controller
- Thermistor
- Thermal grease/graphite sheet
A full but inexhaustive list of applications for thermoelectric modules:
- Avionics
- Black Box Cooling
- Calorimeters
- CCD (Charged Couple Devices)
- CID (Charge Induced Devices)
- Cold Chambers
- Compact Heat Exchangers
- Constant Temperature Baths
- Dehumidifiers
- Dew Point Hygrometers
- Electronics Package Cooling
- Electrophoresis Cell Coolers
- Environmental Analyzers
- Heat Density Measurement
- Immersion Coolers
- Integrated Circuit Cooling
- Inertial Guidance Systems
- Infrared Calibration Sources and Black Body References
- Infrared applications like Infrared Detectors
- Laser Diode Coolers
- Long Lasting Cooling Devices
- Low Noise Amplifiers
- Microprocessor Cooling
- Microtome Stage Coolers
- Night Vision Equipment
- Osmometers
- Parametric Amplifiers
- Photomultiplier Tube Housing
- Power Generators
- Lasers and Microprocessors
- Refrigerators and onboard refrigeration systems
- Restaurant Portion Dispenser
- Semiconductor Wafer Probes
- Thermal Viewers and Weapons Sights
- Thermal Cycling Devices (DNA and Blood Analyzers)
- Thermostat Calibrating Baths
- Tissue Preparation and Storage
- Vidicon Tube Coolers
- Wafer Thermal Characterization
- Water, Wine, and Beverage Coolers
- Auto cooling system